Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville

All of our services follow the liturgies as found in the Book of Common Prayer.  Our Faith is the faith of Scriptures, the Creeds, the Early Church Fathers and the Ecumenical Councils of the earliest times in Church history.

The Anglican Church welcomes all people.  Those who are baptised in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and who usually receive communion in their own denomination to receive the Eucharist (this means that you don’t have to be an Anglican to receive). If you wish to approach the rail and receive a blessing instead, you can stand or kneel and cross your arms over your chest and the priest will offer you a blessing.   Children who are not yet Communicants are also encouraged to come forward for a blessing at the time of Communion.



Sunday Services are regularly held in all three churches in the parish – Holy Trinity, Blackville, St. Agnes’, Gray Rapids and St. Peter’s, Millerton.

These are family-friendly celebrations of the Holy Eucharist with hymns,

Weekday services marking special days and seasons of the Church Year are also regularly scheduled.

The Schedule of Services is available under “Worship” on the menu above or here.  Upcoming services are also posted on the Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville Facebook page and listed in Sunday bulletins.



Whether you are a life-long Anglican, just coming back to church after a long time away, visiting from another denomination, or even if you’ve never encountered church at all, our hope for you is that you might find your time in our parish to be an uplifting, and hope-filled encounter with Christ.

Like any family gathering, we look forward to being with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ – this includes children.  We all know that children need to move and explore and can even be noisy – what joy their presence brings to out gatherings!   The Church – the House of God’s Family – is their home and they are always welcomed.





If you have any questions or need any information, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact information above.








Get in touch

Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville
297 Main Street
Blackville, New Brunswick, Canada E9B 1T1

Phone: (506) 843-6022

Find us on Facebook

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