Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville


I welcome you in the name of Christ our Blessed Saviour to the website for our Parish Community, the Anglican Parish of Derby & Blackville.

We are a Parish of the Diocese of Fredericton (which covers the Province of New Brunswick), which was founded as a Diocese separate from Nova Scotia with the arrival of our first Diocesan Bishop, John Medley, from England in 1845.

We are a Christian community or “Parish Family” served by a common priest (Rector, or Pastor) extending along the banks of the beautiful South-West Miramichi River. We gather regularly for the worship of Our Saviour in our three churches: St Agnes’ in Gray Rapids, Holy Trinity in Blackville and St Peter’s in Millerton.

As Anglican Christians we look to the faith of the Primitive (Early) Church of the Apostles and succeeding ages as our very own Faith today. Our Faith is the faith of Scriptures, the Creeds, the Early Church Fathers and the Ecumenical Councils of the earliest times in Church history. The English Reformation in the 16th Century which brought us worship in the language of the people in our esteemed Book of Common Prayer and other inherited treasures sought to return to our sources: Christ, the Apostles & the Bible.

We try to remain true to those sources in our worship of God and service to his children in the world today. Our worship is in this tradition and centred on the service Jesus himself gave us: The Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion (also known as the Divine Liturgy, or The Mass). Even for those new to the faith, new to the Anglican Church, or unable to read can quickly become familiar and at home with essentially the same Liturgy that has fed generations for over 450 years. Our lives, our worship and our service to our neighbours come from these deep roots. We are rooted firmly in “The faith once delivered to the saints” (Epistle of St Jude).

As Liturgical Christians we also follow a “Christian Year” (Church Calendar), which celebrates great festivals like Christmas, Easter & Pentecost, as well as seasons preparing for them & many other occasions of joy & reflection through the year.

We hope that you will find the website, which is updated regularly by volunteer ministry, informative, useful and maybe even inspiring at times.

If you are interested in learning more, if you have a prayer request, or a matter of concern or curiosity to discuss, or you’d like to join us for regular worship, studies or special events, please do get in touch us through any of our various ways of contact. Please share your feedback & suggestions with us.

Again, a warm welcome in Our Merciful Saviour Jesus Christ & do Enjoy our site!

Fr. Gerry Laskey+
Priest and Pastor

Get in touch

Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville
297 Main Street
Blackville, New Brunswick, Canada E9B 1T1

Phone: (506) 843-6022

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